« Ma peinture illustre ma recherche de la Féminité. Je suis inspirée par ma propre histoire. L’histoire d’une enfant devenue fille, puis femme et qui cherche sa Féminité. Je m’inspire du corps féminin, de mon corps, mais aussi de celui d’autres femmes. J’observe et je retranscris. Souvent en « gros plan », pour mieux voir. Et je simplifie. Presque jusqu’à l’exagération en rendant le tout minimaliste et abstrait. Pour nous perdre, nous faire réfléchir, nous pousser à mieux regarder. Et tout en déshabillant ces corps de femmes, je les habille de couleurs et de matières. Mon art est une recherche de la Féminité. De la Féminité souvent trop peu dévoilée. Et comme cela peut parfois m’émouvoir je le fais avec beaucoup de couleurs, de minimalisme et de la joie. »
« My inspiration is from my own story. The story of a kid, who became a young girl, then a woman and who is looking for her own Femininity. I’m inspired by the feminine figure. My own, but also other women ones. I study their lines, their curves, their hollows, and I redraw them. I often draw « close-ups », to really have to look at the elements. I excessively simplified them to make them minimalist and abstract in order to lost us, to make us think, and to encourage us to really look at them. While undressing those female bodies, I dress them with colours and textures. My art is a quest towards Womanhood. The type of Femininity too often forgotten. And since it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, I do it with a lot of colours, minimalism, and fun! »
Raphaële Anfré
« World, meet Raphaële Anfré, a painter, fashion designer and pattern maker developing her multidisciplinary practice in Paris. After completing a degree in fashion design, Raphaële sought to transcend her knowledge of shapely pattern and lust for contrasting colourways and translate it to canvas and paper. She eliminates the ‘rights and wrongs’ of traditional art technique and remove the concept of error in drawing by neglecting the pencil and eraser in her work, applying color directly. Her artworks meld bright pigment, female sensuality and a bit of humour to create what she often describes as “Erotisme Pudique”, or “Chaste Eroticism”. It is a tribute to the luscious quintessence of womanhood. »
Kelli Fontana
Founder and Head Curator of Fount art.textile